How Secure is Your Building Automation System?

Three Core Points of BAS Cyber-security By: Harrison Koll, Controls System Application Engineer Cybersecurity is a topic that keeps executives up at night. Consumer data breaches and email hacking are constantly in the headlines. The truth is that any system connected...

Welcome to Parallel Jeremy Reiter!

Jeremy Reiter has been brought on as the new Account Manager for the Building Automation department in Omaha. He has over 20 years of industry experience in building automation as well as his Nebraska Journeyman’s electrical license. Jeremy started his career in the...

Welcome to Parallel James Crabtree!

Parallel has gained a new member of our inside sales team: James Crabtree! We interviewed James and gained some insight his passions –  including physical security as well as coin collecting! Check out our Q&A with James below! Q: What is your background and...