by Madison Olson | Mar 23, 2020 | Parallel Blog, Uncategorized
In February, a small contingent of Parallel team members attended the 2020 BICSI Winter Conference in Tampa. Promoted as the industry’s “premier information and communications technology and infrastructure event,” the Parallel team participated in discussions...
by Madison Olson | Mar 10, 2020 | Parallel Blog, Uncategorized
Twice as many middle school and high school students use nicotine-based e-cigarettes this year compared with last year. This is an unprecedented jump. In light of this, we want to show you the success other school districts have experienced through educating students...
by Madison Olson | Mar 10, 2020 | Parallel Blog, Uncategorized
Many of school administrators we spoke with were caught flat-footed as the vaping trend took off several years ago. And they still are today. It’s a tough issue to manage. Vaping devices are easy to conceal in hoodies, shirt sleeves, inside their shirts, and even...
by Madison Olson | Mar 9, 2020 | Parallel Blog, Uncategorized
Vaping-related lung injury cases in the U.S. just surged to over 1,000 and the stories coming out of emergency rooms are horrifying. The lungs of injured e-cigarette smokers, most of the teens and young people, resemble the lungs of chemical warfare victims, and...
by Madison Olson | Mar 9, 2020 | Parallel Blog, Uncategorized
The results of a May 2019 Wall Street Journal survey are astonishing. The survey found almost one-third of teens say they currently vape. More than half of teens who vape say they do it because they like the flavors that e-cigarette liquids come in, and say vaping is...
by Madison Olson | Feb 14, 2020 | Parallel Blog, Uncategorized
As 2020 kicks off Parallel Technologies is happy to welcome Anthony Sather to our growing sales team! Anthony joins us as a Sales Coordinator, a new role to our organization, that we feel he fits perfectly. Q: How did you end up at Parallel? A: I ended up at Parallel...