Ahhh Summer…the short-lived time for Minnesotans to enjoy the great outdoors. Whether it’s a backyard barbecue, baseball, or bags, Team Parallel loves it all. We decided to kick off our summer with just that, a highly competitive bags tournament right at our office. Our employees love to win, so the heat was on (both figurately and literally… it was 92 degrees). With an audience in tow, the best of the best of Team Parallel faced off.
Six teams played a grueling match, with delivery director Sam and technician Bob Skinner getting lucky with a bye on the first round. Round by round went by as the true bags players played their best all in hopes to make it to the very end. The finals consisted of Darrin Schroeder and David Miller against Taylor Strange and Norm Spear.
The tournament lasted an hour and in the end Taylor Strange was the last man left standing. Taylor received a pair of twins tickets and so did runner-up David Miller. Congrats to Taylor and David!

We know not everyone can be a winner, which was why we had a loser’s bracket. Dale Klein (CEO) and Andy Glad (Field Operations Manager) came out on top with each receiving a gift card for their efforts.

Team Parallel had a great kickoff to summer and we hope all of you do, too! Get out and enjoy the sunshine.

About the Author
Madison attended St. Cloud State University earning a Bachelors of Science in Mass Communications with a specialty in Broadcast Journalism and a minor in Communication Studies. As a Parallel employee of 8 years she has grown from a Project Coordinator to the Marketing and Communications Specialist, a role aligned not only with her experiences but also her passion of telling stories. Madison is responsible for internal and external communications and marketing which include everything from event planning and video production to running company meetings.