After going digital last year, Team Parallel was excited to open our doors again for another great Client Appreciation Event.
Each year on an afternoon in October, we invite our clients and potential clients to join us for food, drinks, and prizes. Since the creation of the Innovation Lab in 2019, we also use this time to showcase new and exciting technologies to our customers and potential customers.
Parallel Engineers ran 8 different stations: Visitor Management, Thermal Cameras, License Plate Recognition, Public Safety Distributed Antenna Systems, Vape Detection, Video Analytics and an Audio/Video/Motion detection solution. (Click here if you are interested in receiving a demonstration on any of these technologies)
Beyond technology demonstrations, many people left with more than they came with. Over 20 prizes were given out to clients who were lucky enough to take home Yeti Coolers and Apple Airpod Pros. Other prizes ranged from gift cards, to speakers, to PDU’s; many being donations from our wonderful group of sponsors.
An afternoon like this would not be possible without the help of our partners and sponsors. We thank them for helping to make this event happen.