
Is Your Facility Ready For An Emergency?

As consumers of cellular devices we know the importance of having a great signal. We have all been in a building where we need to leave our desk and find an open space or a window just to hear our calls or be heard by others....

Four Excellent Reasons to Upgrade Firmware

In today’s world, firmware is just as frustrating and confusing as software (firmware is really just permanent software running on dedicated hardware).  Compatibility issues and feature availability is often caused by old or unsupported firmware; this is quite a...

Are We Safe from IoT Cybersecurity Attacks?

The Internet of Things (IoT) is now part of our daily home and business life and is growing rapidly. IoT is helping increase efficiencies, reduce costs, and help us in many ways in our day-to-day lives. Our homes, business, cars and appliances are becoming connected...

5 Ways To Work From Home Better In 2021

Remember last spring when some of us were hopeful that our quarantine would last a few weeks? We would work remotely, stay indoors, social distance and things would hopefully blow over by the summer? It doesn’t seem like nearly a year ago since companies had to make a...

Top Three Infrastructure Trends in 2021

As we close out 2020 and look back a year, we see that predictions were well off the mark …but honestly, who could have predicted the year we had? The year of the COVIDs drove buying priorities in unexpected areas. Riots in Minneapolis and other large US cities has...

New Employee Spotlight: Deb Andersen

Parallel is expanding its footprint in the physical security marketplace of Nebraska. Part of that growth was welcoming a new physical security specialist to our team. Meet Deb! What is your background? I have 15+ years in physical security including setting up...

Start securing your community through intelligent building solutions, today.
