Private LTE or WiFi: Which is Best?
Wi-Fi may be the clear frontrunner technology when it comes to corporate wireless communications, but did you know that depending on your needs, private LTE may be better for your organization? When we hear “LTE”, most of us think of carrier services. But did you know...
Modernizing Your Building in a Post-Covid World: Touchless Access
As the world slowly starts to reopen for business, we are finally returning to the activities that have been absent: going to restaurants, catching a movie, and enjoying concerts again. Many of us see a return to the office on the horizon; for some it has already...
From The Lab: Body Worn Cameras
This month we are looking at Axis Body Worn Cameras (BWC) that integrate into security Video Management platforms. Axis is a new player in this market long dominated by vendors aligned with law enforcement agencies. This version of a BWC is targeted at a...
New Employee Spotlight: Sam Neuenschwander
Meet Sam Neuenschwander, our new Director of Delivery! Sam hit the ground running and we are very excited to have him on Team Parallel. What is your role at Parallel? As the Director of Delivery, I am responsible for overseeing everything that is delivered to the...
Is your Business Ready to Support on-Premise Staff?
Goodbye, 2020, and the pain you brought with you. We wish you a speedy farewell. Nothing was easy last year, including work life. It used to be a convenient benefit for office workers to spend a day at home, rapidly working through items that take time to finish in an...
New Employee Spotlight: Chris Stephens
Our Omaha office has a new Business Development Manager! Meet Chris Stephens… a building automation specialist with a long history of experience. Chris joined team Parallel at the end of 2020 and has already made some big moves. Read on to learn more about him: What...