Facility managers have tough jobs.
We know this from experience, as we’ve been involved in building automation projects for more than 20 years.
Facility directors experience a myriad of things that keep them up at night. Things like physical operation challenges, utility costs, regulatory compliance, and managing assets are all things that keep them from enjoying their jobs.
Here’s a quick breakdown of what facility managers care about, and how you can solve these paint points inside your school, healthcare facility, manufacturing firm, or office building.
Safe and operational environments
For a facility manager, your facility must always remain safe and operational. This pain point is by far the most important because your building manager spends a great deal of time analyzing the different issues throughout your building or plant, as well as problem solving those issues can vary widely from corrective maintenance, to labor and materials, to preventative training and maintenance.
Utility management
Your building or facility can consume a ton of energy and carries the biggest impact on the climate around you. Today’s facility manager is likely to be on the hunt to lower energy costs as well as become more sustainable while creating a comfortable environment for staff and vendors. They are often on the hunt for enterprise-level approaches to gain more control over things like energy, gas, and water.
Regulations and compliance
Every industry carries with it a level of compliance they must abide by. Whether you work inside of a school district, healthcare center, manufacturing firm, data center, or industrial facility, compliance and regulatory standards are typically of high priority. They are important because failure to comply can result in costly city, state, or federal penalties. Not to mention the safety concerns that can arise from not implementing required standards. Managers carry the responsibility of maintaining company compliance programs to ensure they are staying ahead of necessary codes and regulations.
Managing existing assets
As time goes on, equipment, facility structures, and assets grow old, causing a steady pattern of breakdowns, repairs and replacements. Facilities managers and CFO’s are often tasked with the job of planning for and scheduling preventative maintenance. They’re tasked with monitoring physical assets to make sure all your equipment is functioning properly, which is definitely stressful over time.
Facility conditions
Your facility manager or person who manages this bears the responsibility of keeping up with the condition of the facility as well as what costs are associated with keeping it safe and operational. Your team plays a critical role in assessing and reporting if a move to a different location is in the best interest of your organization, and they execute business changes that occur as a result of your building automation needs.
Controlling costs and increasing efficiency
Because of the tasks a facility manager oversees, they’re usually highly concerned with operation and management (O&M) costs. Budget control and maintenance is a key element of the day-to-day responsibility of any facility manager. They should want to evaluate data and reports to identify areas where adjustments can be made to maximize efficiency. You’ll likely know a facility manager when you meet one, because they are on a constant hunt to improve the operational infrastructure while reducing the budget – which is their biggest challenge of all.
To solve these challenges, we’ve developed a proven process to meet and exceed your goals of automating the control of your HVAC units, video and audio surveillance, door access, wireless capabilities, telephony, visual and low-voltage, and energy-efficient LED lighting systems.
We want you to have more control than ever in managing your control systems through selecting the correct controllers for your application that will have the most optimized performance and flexibility.
As a part of managing your facility through building automation, we focus on providing you with the best, most integrated energy services possible through benefits like energy audit reports, calculated paybacks, assistance with project financing, and energy analytics software. We want to train, consult, and support the building automation needs for your facility.
Parallel Technologies has been helping schools, municipalities, and businesses with building automation solutions for more than 20 years. We can solve your building automation challenges.
Click here to talk with us about building automation solutions for your business or organization.