Do you find yourself constantly responding to various security threats and not really accomplishing your long-term goals and objectives?  Then you are not alone.  Too many security directors working in today’s fast paced environment are constantly bombarded with incoming requests and activities that can knock off course. When this happens, we tend to find ourselves reacting and never seemingly getting ahead.

If this is you, we have found developing a physical security roadmap can help align your people, process, and technology. Security roadmaps can provide answers to issues, and put you on the road to improved safety and security.  It is also a method to gain alignment with executive leadership and secure budget for the right security initiatives. 

Developing a physical security roadmap for a building involves assessing potential risks and vulnerabilities, identifying areas that require attention, and implementing measures to reduce those risks. Here are some steps that can be taken to develop an effective physical security roadmap for keeping people safe in buildings:

  1. Conduct a risk assessment: Identify potential risks and vulnerabilities by conducting a thorough risk assessment of your building(s). This includes examining the building’s physical layout, access points, existing security measures, and any potential threats that could affect the safety of the people in the building.
  2. Determine security goals: Identify specific goals and objectives for the security roadmap, such as limiting access to certain areas, protecting against theft or vandalism, or preventing unauthorized entry.
  3. Develop a plan: Develop a comprehensive security plan that addresses the identified risks and vulnerabilities and provide a timeline for implementing security measures that will help achieve the identified security goals. Prioritize security initiatives in your plan based on your identified security goals.
  4. Determine security measures: Identify appropriate security measures to mitigate risks and vulnerabilities. This could include access control systems, surveillance cameras, alarms, and security personnel.
  5. Budget security initiatives: Estimate the budget required to accomplish the plan. It is helpful to budget individual initiatives to balance the security investment with risk mitigation. It is important to be able to quantify the investment and risk when presenting to executive management.   
  6. Implement security measures: Implement the selected security measures, ensuring that they are properly installed, maintained, and tested to make certain that they are effective.
  7. Train personnel: Provide training for personnel on the security measures in place, emergency procedures, and any other relevant information that will help them maintain a secure environment.
  8. Regularly review and update the roadmap: Conduct regular reviews of the physical security roadmap to identify any changes in the building’s environment, potential threats, or any necessary updates to the security measures in place. Part of the regular review is assessing the technology lifecycle of various products used in your security solution.

It is important to note that developing a physical security roadmap is an ongoing process, and it requires a commitment to ongoing assessment and review to ensure that the security measures in place are effective and up to date. By following these steps, you can create a roadmap that will help keep people safe in buildings.